Bach or Not? Quizzes
Wednesday, June 10, 10 AM CDT
Think You Know Bach?
Take our quizzes (below) featuring performances by VBF artists and VISD music students and show us what you know!
Featuring excerpts from performances by the VBF Baroque Orchestra, Texas Guitar Quartet, pianist Melissa Marse, organist Renée Anne Louprette, and more.
Featuring excerpts from performances by the Victoria Bach Festival Choir, Conspirare, New Young Artist Catherine Clarke, and more.
Featuring excerpts from performances by the VBF Baroque Orchestra, Joan Carlson, Bruce Colson, Juan Jaramillo, Gesa Kordes, Stephen Redfield, and more.
Featuring excerpts from performances by VISD music students Delaney Billo, Margaret Liu, Marissa Partida, and Isabelle Wachtel.
Want to submit a recording for the next round of BACH OR NOT quizzes? Contact us with your proposed piece, and we’ll send you information on how to submit.